Top 10 Fandoms to be Thankful For

by T. Mack


It’s the season of gratitude! Unlike many, I don’t actually love Thanksgiving. It’s basically just the holiday that stands in the way of it being socially acceptable for me to fully embrace my Christmas enthusiasm at midnight on November 1. However, I do appreciate that many people try to stop and take a moment to be grateful for the good things in their lives. In the spirit of the season, I’ve got some of the top fandoms for which I’m most thankful. Keep reading to see if any of mine are yours, too. 

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Geek Chic: Fandom Beauty

by Taylor

You know what’s great? Fandoms. Fandoms are wonderful and make us feel like we can do anything we can imagine. You know what else can do that? Beauty items! Anything from makeup to bath bombs, finding that special item and then using it, can make you feel anything from relaxed to the boss babe you are. So when our favorite fandoms meet the world of beauty, the world explodes. I’ve compiled a list of some lovely fandom beauty items just for you! So, prepare to rock your inner geek and feel and look like a geeky rockstar!

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10 Reasons to be Thankful for Harry Potter

by Taylor

It’s that time of year that we all sit down at a table full of food and say what we’re thankful for, like our health, being with family and friends, and Harry Potter. Yes, I said Harry Potter. The books and movies have long ended, Harry’s kids are all at Hogwarts, and we should all probably move on with our lives. But we’ll be there until the very end! While my Hogwarts letter never came and I don’t know any magic whatsoever, I do have a few things to say about Harry Potter. And by a few things I mean I could go on for days just about how Hermione carried the golden trio to victory… Sorry Harry and Ron, but it’s kind of true.

While you’re stuffing your face with turkey and fixings leftovers while watching football, and before you rush out for some Black Friday shopping, let’s talk about 10 reasons to be thankful for Harry Potter this magical holiday season. 

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Pumpkin Pasties 101

by Taylor

Happy Thanksgiving eve eve to you all! I’m sure all of us are preparing to see family and friends while we panic about the stress of having to cook something for the delicious feast that will take place on Thursday. Don’t fret my fandom friends, I have you covered! Ask yourself, who doesn’t like pumpkin pie? Also, ask yourself, who doesn’t like Harry Potter? If you think of a person who doesn’t like Harry Potter, please tell them to go away because you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. Please enjoy the following video on how to make Harry Potter pumpkin pasties and maybe make them for your family and friends too. On Friday, in the middle of your food coma and Black Friday shopping, don’t forget to come back and check out my 10 reasons to be thankful for Harry Potter this holiday season. Many Happy Thanksgivings to you all!

Fandom Funnies!

by T. Mack

It used to be that with the exception of Star Trek and Star Wars, differing fandoms could exist in peace without much strife. Then came the internet and character rap battles. We watch these videos and even when we love both sides, we feel pressure to pick a winner. I adore both these strong, female characters and their respective franchises. But seriously, I think that one burn (you’ll know it when you hear it) puts Hermione on top of Katniss in this battle. Take a look and tell me what you think.

Who do you think won this rap battle? Let me know in the comments.


By: Dani

Image result for harry potter movies

Did you miss seeing any of the HP films on the big screen? Well, here is your chance to rectify that huge problem. It was just announced that all eight Harry Potter films are being re-released in IMAX for one week only! Yes, IMAX. That is quite a big difference than just regular release. So if IMAX makes you sick or gives you a headache, then this is not for you. Sorry ’bout that! But even you can appreciate a HP re-release, right?!? Continue reading