Legacies: The Vampire Diaries Spinoff Surpasses Expectations

By Jen P


As a fan of The Vampire Diaries, even I realize the series fizzled out at the end. The final season was frustrating to watch, and I only stuck with it to see how they tied things up after 8 seasons (albeit, it sat in the DVR for about a year before I could make myself sit through it). I was already becoming disenchanted with the series by the time the first spinoff, The Originals, premiered, so I never even bothered with that one. I’ve heard good things, but I’ve been “vampired-out” for a while. So needless to say, when Legacies premiered, I rolled my eyes and moved on. But the beauty of having a streaming service like Netflix is that you get a second chance to catch some shows even before the second season debuts. I found myself bored and alone one afternoon and unable to watch any of my usual shows without causing a rift in my marriage, and here we are…

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Fandom Funnies!

In this cute YouTube video, the cast of CW’s Legacies tries to answer trivia about their predecessor show, The Vampire Diaries. And I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I’d destroy them at this game…

Has Disney Finally Cracked the Live-Action Formula? Aladdin Gives Us a Taste of What We’ve Been Missing

By Jen P

Guuuuurl, let me tell you, I have hated me some Disney remakes this past couple of years. Cinderella was boring and forgettable. And Disney gave us what they thought we wanted with Beauty and the Beast, yet missed the mark (See my review of BATB here). But there’ve been a few diamonds in the rough. Most notably, Maleficent, with its spin on the Sleeping Beauty fairytale. I LOOOOOVE the mother-daughter connection in that film. I’ve also heard the Dumbo movie was alright; though, you’ll have to tell me, because I’m not brave enough to find out. (I cry ugly tears for that baby elephant.)

But then came Aladdin. And, y’all.


This movie finally comes close to the quality of remake we DESERVE! Continue reading